Leadership in Community Based Theatre and Civic Engagement, Association for Theatre in Higher Education, ATHE Conference, Boston, MA (2018)
Lifetime Achievement Award to Mickee Faust Club, Equality Florida (2018).
25 Women You Need to Know, Tallahassee Democrat (2016).
Diversity & Inclusion Award: Mickee Faust Club. Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and Citizens for Florida Arts (2016)
Superfest: International Disability Film Festival. Disability Comedy Award. Mickee Faust Films/Diane Wilkins Productions, (2015)
Communicator Awards for Best Comedy Writing: Radio. “Mickee Faust and the Confundus Confection.” (2012)
Award of Excellence. Narrative Category. Broadcast Educational Association. “Performance of Drowning.” (2012)
Award of Excellence in Filmmaking. Canada International Film Festival. Vancouver. “Performance of Drowning.” (2012)
Third Place. Short Film Competition. Eighth Annual Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival. “Performance of Drowning.” (2011).
Special Recognition: Ben Mekler, Director. “Because of Her: The Legacies of Dana Reeve and Maryanne Ward.” Video Short Focusing on Reeve Foundation Support to Build the Maryanne Ward Fully-accessible Stage in the Mickee Faust Academy. Filmanthropy Competition Sponsored by John Templeton Foundation. (2009)
“Superfest Super Best” Showing: “Annie Dearest: The Real Miracle Worker.” Selected for Superfest Classics International Disability Film Festival. Culture! Disability! Talent! Superfest Classics. Gaia Arts Center. Berkley, CA. (2009)
American Advertising Federation Gold Addy Award: John Herd, Designer. “Mickee Faust Club Cover Design for Annual Report.” Tallahassee, FL: Student Competition; Category – Cover Design (John Herd, Designer) (2009)
American Advertising Federation Silver Addy Award: John Herd, Designer. “Mickee Faust Club Vector Brochure.” Tallahassee, FL: Student Competition; Category – Brochure. (2009)
American Advertising Federation Silver Addy Award: John Herd, Designer. “Mickee Faust Club Vector Poster.” Tallahassee, FL: Student Competition; Category – Illustration. (2009)
“Entertainer of the Year: Mickee Faust Club.” The Family Tree (2008)
“Ralph Cook Award for Support of the Arts in Tallahassee: Terry Galloway, Artistic Director, Mickee Faust Club. Tallahassee Little Theatre. (2007-2008)
Communicator Award of Excellence. Mickee Faust’s “War of the Worlds.” Comedy Program, Audio Category. (2008)
Finalist Aegis Award. “All Hail” Video. (2008)
Marcom Gold. “All Hail” Video. (2008)
Finalist Aegis Award. “Weimar House” Video. (2008)
Bronze Telly. “Weimar House” Video. (2008)
Silver Communicator Award. “Weimar House” Video. (2008)
Pegasus Award of Honor. “All Hail” Video. (2008)
Gold Hermes Creative: Diane Wilkins Productions for Pro Bono Work for the Mickee Faust Club, Compilation– “CremMate: Muffy,” “Menopausal Gals Gone Wild, ” and “Boot Scootin’ Beauty.” The Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. (2007)
Finalist Aegis Award. “Boot Scootin’ Beauty” Video. (2007)
Award to Work on a Theme of Disability. “Scary Lewis Yell-a-thon” Video. Picture This. . . Film Festival. Calgary, Alberta, Canada . (2005)
Award to a Filmmaker with a Disability. “Scary Lewis Yell-a-thon” Video. Video. Picture This. . . Film Festival. Calgary , Alberta, Canada. (2005)
2004 Bronze World Medal. Best Regularly Scheduled Comedy Program, “Operation Free Cheese,” Mickee Faust Club and V89. New York Festivals. (2004)
“No Limits” Award (with $500 Cash Prize). “Scary Lewis Yell-a-thon” Video. The Other Film Festival: Melbourne’s International Disability Film Festival . Melbourne, Australia. (2004)
“Festival Winner: Performance under 10 minutes by a Filmmaker with a Disability” “Annie Dearest” Video. Picture This! Film Festival, Rozsa Centre, University of Calgary. (2004)
“Honorable Mention: Performance Under 10 minutes ON a subject of disability.” “Annie Dearest” Video. Picture This! Film Festival, Rozsa Centre, University of Calgary. (2004)
Spirit Award, “Annie Dearest.” Superfest International Media Festival on Disabilities (2003)
Award of Excellence, “Annie Dearest.” Superfest International Media Festival on Disabilities. (2003)
Best Short, Audience Favorite, “On Becoming a Woman” Video. Out in Akron Queer Shorts Film Festival. (2003)
Creative Excellence Award, “On Becoming a Woman” Video. 36 th Annual USA International Film and Video Festival. Los Angeles, CA (2003)
Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance (for lifetime achievement in Performance, to the collaborative team of Mickee Faust Founders, Terry Galloway and Donna Marie Nudd), National Communication Association Awards Presentation, Atlanta, NCA. (2002)
Bronze Telly. “On Becoming a Woman” Video. (2000)
Finalist in “Short Films Comedy,” “On Becoming a Woman” Video. New York Festivals, (2000)
Truth Be Told: Promoting Resilience and Understanding Through Art and Community. Funded by City of Tallahassee Redevelopment Agency Greater Frenchtown/Southside District and Downtown Promotional/Special Events Grant. Total award $5,000. (2019)
Mickee Faust Club: Draw regional LGBTQ visitors to attend season performances using broadcast media and other strategies. Funded by COCA Cultural Tourism Marketing Grant Program. Total award $4,000.
Support for Mickee Spring Cabaret and Queer as Faust XIII Festival. Funded by COCA, Council on Culture and Arts, Tallahassee/Leon County. Total award $14,000. (2019-2020)
Mickee Faust: Transforming Dedicated Volunteers with Disabilities Into Paid Staff, Division of Cultural Affairs, Under-served Cultural Community Development, Specific Cultural Project, Salary Assistance. $25,000. (2019-2020)
COCA. Cultural Grant FY18, Mickee Faust Club: Support for Mickee Spring Cabaret and Queer as Faust XII Festival. $14,500. (2018)
COCA Cultural Tourism Marketing Grant FY18. Regional Marketing for Fall 2017 and Spring and Summer 2018 Productions. $3,000 (2018)
COCA Cultural Grant FY17, Mickee Faust Club: Support for Mickee Spring Cabaret and Queer as Faust XI Festival. $13,000. (2017)
COCA Cultural Tourism Marketing Grant FYI7. Regional Marketing for Fall 2017 and Spring and Summer 2018 Productions. $3,000 (2017)
Quality of Life Grant, Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. Mickee Faust Club: Adding to the Fun: An Accessible Outdoor Venue for the Mickee Faust Club $7,852 (2016 – 2017)
COCA Mickee Faust Club: Regional Marketing for Fall, Spring and Summer Cabarets $3,000. (2016 – 2017)
COCA Cultural Grant FY17. Mickee Faust Club: 30th Anniversary Spring Cabaret, Faust World Order and Queer as Faust X. $10,452. (2016).
COCA Cultural Grant FY16. Mickee Faust Club: Spring Cabaret, What. The. Faust. $4380 (2015).
COCA Mickee Faust Club: Regional Marketing for Fall, Spring and Summer Cabarets (2015 – 2016) $3,000.
COCA Cultural Grant FY15. Mickee Faust Club: Spring Cabaret and Queerer Than Ever. $9878. (2013).
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation: US Artists International. Terry Galloway’s Ensemble Production at DaDaFest International. $4,230.
Puffin Foundation. Support for production of You Are My Sunshine: A Kind of a Love Story at Mickee Faust Clubhouse. $750. (2014)
COCA Cultural Grant FY14. Mickee Faust Club: Spring Cabaret and Queerer Than Ever. $9878. (2013).
Florida Division of Cultural Affairs Fast Track Grant. Faust’s Free for All: Keynote Performance for the 2013 Association for Theatre in Higher Education. $2500. (2013).
South Arts Fast Track Touring Grant. Mickee Faust Club: Support of E. Patrick Johnson’s Artist Residency–A Lecture and Solo Performance Related to Sweet Tea: Black Gay Men of the South. $1,025. (2013).
COCA Cultural Grant FY13. Project One: Support for Fall 2012 Production: Best of Faust: Sex, Beer and Shakespeare and Project Two: Support for Spring 2013 Production: Mickee:Fast and Furious. $15,000. (2012)
DaDa (Disability and the Arts). Liverpool, England “12 Day Artist Residency for Nudd and Galloway for ‘Three Creative Projects’. (2012) Note: One of the major creative projects showcased Mickee Faust’s award-winning disability-themed videos. $10,253.
COCA Cultural Grant FY 12. Mickee Faust Club: Support for 25th Anniversary Cabaret and Audio Equipment.
Florida State University Planning Grant. $11,503 (2011)
Quality of Life Grant. Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. Mickee Faust Club: An Accessible Arts Administration Office as Part of Phase Two Renovation of the Mickee Faust Academy. $8,854 (2011)
Southern Faust Track Touring Grant (South Arts). Mickee Faust Club: Support for Performance Artist Elizabeth Whitney. $2000 (2011)
Nudd, D.M. PI, Castillo, J. Co-PI. Support to Finish Production Stage of Rewired Documentary. (Rewired Documentary Co-Produced by Mickee Faust Films and Diane Wilkins Productions) $12,000. (2010-2011).
City of Tallahassee and Leon County Grant FY 11. Mickee Faust Club. Support for Queer-Themed 2010-2011 Artistic Events. $13,500. (2010)
Goody Two Shoes Foundation. Creation of “The Adelaide Schnittman Hall” in the Mickee Faust Academy. $30,000. ($10,000 per year, 2008-2010).
Leon County Cultural Tourism Grant FY10. Mickee Faust Club: General support to include technology and transportation to benefit mixed-ability performance and audience members. $8,154. (2009)
City of Tallahassee Cultural Services Grant FY10. Mickee Faust Club: Website construction and publicity efforts to increase regional and national reach. $9,500. (2009)
Leon County. Cultural Services Grant FY09. Promotion of Mickee Faust Club’s Spring 2009 Disability-themed Season. $10,000. (2008)
City of Tallahassee Cultural Services Grant FY09. Mickee Faust Club: All Mixed Up–A Mixed Ability Project. Artists with and without disabilities collaborate on an original mixed media performance. $9,000 (2008)
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. “Creation of an Accessible Stage Designed By and For People with Disabilities: The Maryanne Ward Memorial Stage.” $4,424. (2008).
City of Tallahassee Cultural Services Grant FY 08. Disability Factor: Video performance providing an intelligent (and funny) critique of contemporary cultures’ response to disability and the disabled $4,160. (2007)
Leon County Cultural Development Grant. Mickee Faust Club: General support for 2007-2008 season. $3,500 (2007)
“Actual Lives and the ADA” Interdisciplinary Category, Mickee Faust Club, Cultural Support Grant, State of Florida. $6000, (2006)
Arts in Education Model Development Grant, United States Dept of Education, Jointly submitted by Jefferson County and FSU Center for Educational Research and Policy Studies, Isabelle Potts, Project Director, $270,000 for 2003-2004, $270,000 for 2004-2005, $270,000 for 2005-2006. (Terry Galloway’s “Actual Lives” idea served as the artistic base for this arts-in-education grant; artists from the community, including a number of Faustkateers, ran year-long workshops for the students at Howard Middle School.)
Cultural Resource Commission Grant FY07. “Actual Lives and the ADA.” CRC: City of Tallahassee. $4000. (2006).
Cultural Resource Commission Grant FY06. “Mickee Faust Club’s A Moveable Midsummer Night’s Dream. $3150 CRC: City of Tallahassee. (2005)
Cultural Resource Commission General Support Grant FY06. “Mickee Faust Club.” $3500. CRC: Leon County. (2005)
Cultural Resource Commission Grant FY05. Mickee Faust Club’s In the House of the Moles Project. $3150. CRC: City of Tallahassee. (2004) .
Cultural Resource Commission General Support Grant FY05. “Mickee Faust Club” $3500. CRC: Leon County. (2004)
Cultural Resource Commission Project Grant FY04. Mickee Faust Company’s “Cultural Cacophony: More Community Voices” Project. (Later retitled A Happy Life if You Can Stand It.) $1930. CRC: City of Tallahassee. (2003 )
Cultural Resource Commission. Project Grant FY04. Mickee Faust Club’s “ShakesParody in the Square Festival.”$2500. CRC: Leon County. (2003)
Oliver Bliss Review of Mickee Faust Shorts
Disability Arts Online Review of “In The House of the Moles”
Scott Dillard Review of “Mickee Visits Mickey”
Dillard is a Professor of Rhetoric at
Georgia College and State University.
Gaylen Ross Review of “All Mixed Up”
Ross is an American actress, writer, producer and director.
Elizabeth Bell Review of A (Movable) Midsummer Night’s Dream
Bell is an Associate Professor of Communication
at the University of South Florida.
Shakespeare + -
An indoor/outdoor, site specific Faustian take on one of Shakespeare’s bloodiest, shortest plays featuring a delicious banquet at intermission replete with raucous Elizabethan musical entertainment.
Mickee Faust Academy for the REALLY Dramatic Arts. Dress Rehearsal for Elementary and High School Students, Nov. 7; Shows: Nov. 8-10 and 15-17, 2018.
William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream performed on three stages in Railroad Square. The audience experienced the play with the characters as they move from the court, to the fairy woods, and back to the wedding banquet. Community members and children dressed as fairies and joined in the fun.
Railroad Square. Tallahassee, FL, 22-23, 29-30 April 2006 and 23-24 June 2006. Reprise Performance.
Shakesparody + -
ShakesParody Festivals feature theatrical performances of Shakespeare, modified Shakespeare, Shakespeare-inspired skits, Shakespeare-like readings, most with a comic bent. Local performance groups add to the flavor by setting up camps where they stage demonstrations, such as broadsword fighting (Society for Creative Anachronism), period dance (Troupe Arabesque), and fencing (FSU Fencing Club). Arts and crafts activities and games for the children are provided by Railroad Square artisans and community volunteers, e.g. the Ophelia Dunking Booth and Sponge Jousting.
The Mickee Faust company performs parodies of Shakespeare plays, e.g. MacBeef, a Fast Food Tragedie; scenes from Shakespeare plays with a twist, e.g. “Shakespeare on the Rocks” featuring the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet performed on the walls of the Rock Gym; or the adaptation of modern works with a Shakespearean twist, such as Green Eggs and Hamlet. Local performance groups also take the stage with such fan favorites as Monty Python’s The Spanish Inquisition (SAIL students).
ShakesParody Festival. Railroad Square. May 1-2, 2004.
ShakesParody in the Square. Railroad Square. May 19, 2002.
ShakesParody in the Square. Railroad Square, 20 May 2001.
Shakesparody Cabarets + -
ShakesParody After Dark. Austin, TX: Scottish Rite Theatre. (2017)
Two week run of skits and musical numbers skewering William Shakespeare’s works. Material written by members of the Mickee Faust Club in Tallahassee, Florida; co-directed by three Mickee Faust leaders: Terry Galloway, Artistic Director; Jimmers Micallef; Company Manager; and Donna Marie Nudd, Executive Director; performed by Texas actors and Micallef; Galloway and Nudd.
Best of ShakesParody. October 19-20, 25-27, 2012
Sex, Beer, and Shakespeare. April 16-17 and 22-24, 2010.
ShakesParody After Dark. Mickee Faust Club. Railroad Square. Tallahassee, FL 14-15 June 2002.
National Cabaret Performances and Touring Shows + -
Mickee Faust’s Free for All. Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Orlando, FL August 3, 2013.
Mickee Visits Mickey: The Mickee Faust Club in Performance. National Communication Association (NCA), Orlando, FL, November 2012.
Mickee Faust’s Minnee Cabaret. Union for Democratic Communication, (UDC), Tallahassee, FL, May 2012.
Mickee Faust Club. Hopkins Black Box Theatre. Louisiana State University. Baton Rouge, LA 25 January 2003.
Mickee Faust Club Cabaret . Miami Beach Women’s Club. Miami, FL 21 February 1998. Reviewed.
Mickee Faust Club Cabaret. Dance Place. Washington D.C. 10-12 January 1997.
Local Cabaret Performances + -
*Unless otherwise noted below, all performances were presented in Tallahassee, Florida; more specifically, from 1987-1998 at The Warehouse; from 1999 to the present, at the Mickee Faust Clubhouse in Railroad Square.
Queer as Faust XII. June 20-22, 27-29, 2019.
Up Faust and Personal. March 22-23, 28-30, 2019.
Queer as Faust XI , June 22-23, 28-30, 2018.
Make AmeriKa Faust Again. March 23-24 & 29-31, 2018.
Faust or Famine. October 20-21 &26-28, 2017.
Queer as Faust X. June 16-17 & 22-23, 2017.
Faust & Frivolous. March 24-25 & 30-31, 2017
What. The. Faust. October 14-15 & 20-22, 2016
Queer as Faust IX, June 17-18 & 23-25, 2016
May the Faust Be With You, May 18-19 & 24-26,2016
Queer as Faust VIII , June 20-21 & 26-28, 2015
Faust is Busting Our All Over, March 21-22, and March 27-29, 2015
Faust Ratrospective, September 10-11, and Sept 16-18, 2014
Queer as Faust VII Cabaret. June 20-21, 26-27 and 28, 2014.
A Faustful of Dollars. March 21-22 and 27-29, 2014.
Dead Mouse: Mickee Faust’s Mission Accomplished. 13-14 and 20-21 September 2013.
Faust and Furious. 12-13 April and 18-20, 2013.
Queer as Faust V Cabaret, 22-23 and 29-30 June 2012.
Sex, Beer and Shakespeare. October 19-20 and 26-27, 2012.
The Best of Faust, The Worst of Faust, 14-15 and 20-22 April 2012.
Mickee Faust Club Cabaret at Occupy Tallahassee. January 7, 2012.
Faust Free for All, 21-22 October and 28-30 October, 2011.
Queer as Faust IV Cabaret, April 1-2 and 7-9, 2011.
Cirque De Faust, 1-2 and 7-9 April, 2011.
Apocalypse Faust, 5-6 and 11-13 November, 2010.
Queer as Faust III Cabaret, 18-19 and 25-26 June 2010.
Sex, Beer, and Shakespeare. April 16-17 and 22-25, 2010.
Haunted Faust. Mickee Faust Club. Tallahassee, FL. 9-10, 15-18 October 2009.
Queer as Faust II Cabaret. 19-20 and 26-27 June 2009.
All Mixed Up: A Mixed Ability Cabaret. 27-28 March, 3-4 and 10-11 April 2009.
A Faust We Can Believe In. 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 October 2008.
Queer as Faust. Mickee Faust Club. 30-31 May, 2008 and 6-7 June 2008.
Mickee Faust’s Year of the Rat. 4-6 and 11-13 April 2008.
Faustian Biergarten. Mickee Faust Club. 12-13 October 2007.
Mickee Faust’s Rat Droppings: A Tribute to Bergman, Bakker, and The Weekly World News. 14-16 September 2007.
An Inconvenient Faust. 13-14 and 20-22 April 2007.
Full Frontal Faust. 30 Sept-1 Oct, and 7-8 October 2005. Reprise 11-12 November 2005.
Live Faust or Die. 8-9 and 15-16 April 2005. Reprise 1-14 May 2005.
A Faustian Bargain. 31 October –1 November, 7-8 November 2003.
Back from the Bayou, with Eclectic Acoustic and JB’s Zydeco Zoo. The Warehouse. Tallahassee, FL 2 February 2003.
RetroFaust. Mickee Faust Club. 4-5, 11-12 October 2002.
French Fried Faust. Bastille Day Celebration. Chez Pierre. Tallahassee, FL 14 July 2002.
FrankenFaust. FL 9-10 and 15-16 November 2001.
Mickee Faust Superstar. FL 6-7, 13-14 April 2001.
In Faust We Trust. FL 3-4 and 11-12 November 2000.
Weill Things: A Mini-Faust Kabaret. 7-8, 14-15 April 2000.
20th Century Faust. ll-13, 18-20 November 1999.
Faust Under a New Tin Roof. 8-10 September 1999; 22-24 July 1999.
A Faust in the Crowd. 16-17, 23-24 October 1998.
Faust Attacks. 21-22, 28-29 March 1998.
Mickee Faust Club Cabaret . Film and Literature Conferences. Tallahassee, Florida: 29 January 1999; 30 January 1998.
Faust U. 12-13, 19-20 September 1997
Faust Road Kill. 24-25 April 1997.
Mickee Faust Club Cabaret . Film and Literature Conferences. Tallahassee, Florida: 29 January 1999; 30 January 1998, 31 January 1997.
Smiles of a Summer Faust. 21-23 and 28-30 June, 1996.
There’s No Place Like Faust. 20, 26-28 January 1996. Reviewed.
The Best of Faust, The Worst of Faust. 7-8 and 14-15 April 1995.
Who’s on Faust. 14-15 and 21-22 October 1994.
High Flying Faust. 8-9, 15-16 April 1994. Reviewed.
Oktoberfaust. 15-16, 22-23 October 1993. Reviewed.
Easter “Hit” Parade. 9-10 April 1993.
Faust for Prez. 23-24 October 1992.
Ed Norton’s Anthology . The Capital Building. Florida Communication Association Convention. Tallahassee, FL 19 October 1990.
From Bad to Verse Too . “Spring Festival of Writers.” Sponsored by The Writing Program and the Department of English. FSU. 14 April 1989.
From Bad to Verse . “Writers Series.” Grand Finale. Tallahassee, FL. Fall 1988.
While the Cat’s Away. . . . 22-23 April 1988.
Friday the l3th. 13 Dec. 1987.
Skits from Hell. 31 Oct. 1987.
Reviews of Cabaret Performances + -
Levine , Jordan . “Theatre of the Weird a Funny Place.” Rev. of Mickee Faust Club Cabaret.” The Miami Herald 24 February 1998.
Hinson, Mark. Mickee Faust Club Bring Their Creative Talents to the Warehouse.” Rev. of High Flying Faust. The Warehouse. Tallahassee, FL. Tallahassee Democrat 15 April 1994.
Brittain, Kerry. “High Flying Faust Brings Back the Spirit of SNL’s Golden Days.” Rev. of High Flying Faust. The Warehouse. Tallahassee, FL. Florida Flambeau 13 April 1994.
Hinson, Mark. “There’s laughs aplenty with Mickee Faust.” Rev. of Oktoberfaust. The Warehouse. Tallahassee, FL. Tallahassee Democrat 22 October 1993.
Theatre: New Plays
(Produced with Support of the Mickee Faust Club)
Written and Directed by Christina Rodriguez De Conte
DESCRIPTION: Rape isn’t a joke, but the investigation of it is. Faust company members lent their creative energies towards the production of an original musical by FSU Doctoral Candidate and trauma survivor Christina Rodriguez de Conte, which offers a satirical take on the bureaucratic aftermath that often surrounds victims of sexual violence and rape. Mystery explores the grey area of consent and the physical and emotional damage left by trauma. The musical takes place in a uterus just after the host body has been violated. External detectives investigate the “incident”, not wanting to call it rape, while the hose body deals with the horrifying emotional and physical aftermath. This original musical straddles the lines of melodrama, absurdism, vaudevillian variety shows and late twentieth century television. The Mystery of the Violated Vagina uses puppetry, music, and an overall absurdist aesthetic to highlight the most absurd fact of all – that rape in fact exists and that most cases are rarely prosecuted.
Mickee Faust Club. Railroad Square. Tallahassee, FL, November 15-16 and 21-23, 2019.
DESCRIPTION: The Ugly Girl is a major revision to Terry Galloway’s earlier play, In the House of the Moles (see entry below). Post cochlear implant, Galloway rewrote the play to make it into a musical featuring among its six cast members, four middle-aged women with disabilities. Of the nine people working on the musical for the UK tour, five members of this international cast, had worked extensively with Mickee Faust.
The Continental, Preston, England (20 November 2014)
The Lowry, Salford Quays, England (21 November 2014)
Arena Theatre, Wolverhamptom, England (22 November 2014)
The Bluecoat, Liverpool, England (26 November 2014).
Leon County Public Library (16 August 2015)
A comic, sometimes moving, sometimes profane exploration of what happens to a deaf woman after she literally regains her senses. Written and Performed by Terry Galloway. Dramaturgy by Donna Marie Nudd, Direction by Donna Marie Nudd and Jimmers Micallef. This one-person show was, and continues to be, developed in Tallahassee, Florida at the Mickee Faust Clubhouse (showings: 2012 and 2014).
Liverpool, England (2014)
Georgia Southern University (2016)
Columbia, Missouri (2015)
Burlington, Vermont (2015)
Society for Disability Studies Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN (2014)
Arkansas State University (2014)
FSU TED Talks (2012)
Cornell University (2012)
Mickee Faust Clubhouse, Railroad Square. (2014 & 2012)
DESCRIPTION: Based on interviews conducted in 2008, Little Death explores the motivations of gay men, “bug chasers,” who engage in actively seeking to received the HIV virus and the motivations of “gift givers” who are willing to transmit the virus. The narratives of three gay men are developed with commentary and questions from an interviewer and medical health professional in this provoking play on sexual behavior, love, and sexual identity. Arranged, Written and Directed by Joshua Potter. FSU Department of Communication Creative Project. Produced and Performed by members of the Mickee Faust Club.
Mickee Faust Clubhouse, Railroad Square. 17 April 2009.
DESCRIPTION: Terry Galloway’s In the House of the Moles is an absurdist, realistic, vaudevillian, queer take off of Hamlet. The play focuses on a family of four sisters and their late mother’s live-in male friend. To honor their mother’s memory, the sisters agree to perform their mom’s life work, her play, one last time. Within this drama comes another morality play creating a play-within-the-play-within-the-play, and a show that both entertains and provokes. In developing the script of the play, the playwright, Terry Galloway, initially workshopped it at the American Place Theater in New York City, the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles, and The Rude Mechs in Austin, Texas. 2004 Tallahassee production was directed by Terry Galloway and Donna Marie Nudd. In 2012, Galloway and Nudd spent two weeks at the DaDa Festival reworking the play with an international cast of performers with disabilities that culminated in a staged reading.
Staged Reading of Revised Script. DaDa Festival, Liverpool, England. 24 August 2012.
Mickee Faust Club. Railroad Square. Tallahassee, FL 4-7 and 11-14 November 2004.
EXCERPT OF GALLOWAY’S PLAY Galloway, Terry. “In the House of the Moles.” Even More Monologues for Women by Women. Ed. Toni Haring-Smith. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2001. 42.
Taylor, Jackie. “Review of In the House of the Moles: 7 November 2004 Production.” (Outside Critic brought in by FSU’s Department of Communication and City of Tallahassee CRC grant.)
DESCRIPTION: Susan Gage: Term-Limited is a one-woman plus show tracing the transformation of an award-winning public radio reporter from journalist in search of the truth to a massage therapist who finds truth in touch. Susan Gage: Term Limited was written and performed by Susan Gage, direction and dramaturgy by Donna Marie Nudd and Terry Galloway, with musical accompaniment by Jeff Henry, Eclectic Acoustic, and selective members of the Mickee Faust Club. The show utilizes audio soundbites from Florida Legislators, a parodic video short and projected photos to make it a “theater of real life” event.
Mickee Faust Club. Railroad Square. Tallahassee, FL 5-6 and 12-13 September 2003. Reprised 26-27 March 2004.
DVD compilation of eleven of Mickee Faust Club’s disability-themed video shorts. Executive Producers: Diane Wilkins Productions and Mickee Faust Films. Produced by Donna Marie Nudd. Assistant Producers Terry Galloway and Diane Wilkins. Written and Performed by members and fans of the Mickee Faust Club.
DESCRIPTION: Far from the Magic Empire ruled by a certain unctuous mousie, another type of rodent skulks – Mickee Faust, King Rat of a band of sardonic miscreants known as the Faustkateers. The sewer-dwelling Rat and his mixed-ability minions have long conspired to control the lucrative disability-themed video market!
Here are the combined fruits of their criminal labors undefined Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade! Featuring wicked parodies of classic disability films; savage impersonations of beloved telethon hosts; nasty takes on evacuation PSAs, game shows, Princeton philosophers, and the like. Critically slammed and critically acclaimed in film festivals throughout the world!
Victory Gardens Theatre’s Crip Slam Presents The Gimp Parade 21 March 2010.
Final Cut, First Friday, Mickee Faust Clubhouse, Railroad Square, Tallahassee, FL. 1 May 2009
Second Cut, National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 23 November 2008.
First Cut, Tallahassee Little Theatre, 12 November 2008.
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE @ www.gimpparade.com
Revenge of the Rat Bastard Brother. (2010)
Written and Directed by Jeanette Castillo. Produced by Too Fun Productions and Mickee Faust Club. (6:00)
Mickee and his scrappy band of volunteers succeed in taking over the airways, if only for a moment.
Because of Her: The Legacies of Dana Reeve and Maryanne Ward (2009)
Ben Mekler, Director; Aaron Hall, Director of Photography; Walter Hollman, Sound: Killertrax, Music. FSU Film School Production. (5:00)
Short documentary traces the building of the fully-accessible stage in honor of the first mobility-impaired performer in the Mickee Faust Company, Maryanne Ward. FSU undergraduate film won a $5000 “Special Recognition” award in a nationwide “Filmanthropy” competition.
All Hail Mickee Faust (2008)
Diane Wilkins Productions/Mickee Faust Films. Directed and Edited by Diane Wilkins. Produced by Kathy Lynch and Diane Wilkins. Starring members of the Mickee Faust Club. (8:00)
Mickee Faust Club Promotional Video briefly describes the company’s origins and its vision for the future. Diane Wilkins Productions/Mickee Faust Films.
Broken Rat’s Tale: A Faustumentary (2008)
Directed, Produced and Edited by John Herd, Grace Keegan, and Christina Caudill. Starring members of the Mickee Faust Club. (10:27)
A short documentary that examines disability humor in the Mickee Faust Club.
Tammy Faye Bakker’s “I Gotta Be Me’ (2008)
Directed and Edited by Jeanette Castillo. Produced by Too Fun Productions and The Mickee Faust Club. Tammy Faye performed by Terry Galloway. (4:17)
Tammy Faye discuss life and loss, and a very naughty little dog. Written by Tammy Faye Bakker.
A Cargo Bike (2006)
Written, Directed and Edited by Andy Opel. Produced by Donna Marie Nudd and Faust Films. Starring Michael Carlucci, Julie Rogers and Terry Galloway. (23:00)
In a world dominated by SUVs and Global Warming, one bicycle is hungry for revenge.
“Excerpts: A (Movable) Midsummer Night’s Dream” (2006)
Produced by Faust Films/Diane Wilkins Productions. (70:00)
Archival excerpts, on stage and off, from Tallahassee Production of Shakespeare’s play, A (Movable) Midsummer Night’s Dream.
“HOW QUEER IS MY FAUST” (2018) (3:02)
Faust Films / Diane Wilkins Productions
DESCRIPTION: A short video celebrating Mickee Faust’s 31-year history of producing queer-themed material; video played prior to Mickee Faust Club being awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from Equality Florida.
LOCAL SHOWING (at State-wide Conference)
Equality Florida Tallahassee Gala, The Turnbull Center, Florida State University (2018)
Make Amerika Faust Again, Mickee Faust Spring Cabaret, 2018
Queer as Faust XI, Mickee Faust Sununer Cabaret, 2018
Faust Films/Diane Wilkins Productions.
DESCRIPTION: A parodic trailer for a sequel that suggests the real horror in Texas is the regressive policies of the Texas Legislature.
National Communication Association (2017)
MakeAmerika Faust Again, Mickee Faust Spring Cabaret, 2018
“STRAP ON TOOLS” (2016) (3:12)
Faust Films.
DESCRIPTION: Parodic commercial for newest line of play toys for lesbians.
North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Sept 28-October 5, 2017 *Estimated Audience, National: 150
Queer as Faust IX Cabaret. June 17-18 & 23-25, 2016.
“RENT-A-CRIP” (2014)
DESCRIPTION: Rent-A-Crip is a satirical take on the widespread practice of befriending people with disabilities for socially correct ends. Rent-A-Crip advertises the services various crips will provide for a feeundefinedfrom being used as photo op props for politicians trying to make comebacks, to hiring out to the chronically impatient who want to cut in line at Disney World and the movies.
Superfest. November 14 and 15, 2015, San Francisco, California.
Queer as Faust VII Cabaret. June 20-21, 26-27 and 28, 2014.
DESCRIPTION: License to Quill is a feminist Shakespearean rap performed by Shakespeare and three of his most famous feminist creations –Juliet, Ophelia and Lady MacBeth, complex characters all. As they say, “Aint no bitch like a Shakespeare bitch!” (2013)
A Faustful of Dollars. March 21-22 and 27-29, 2014
“THE OFFICE SWEATER” (2012) (6:37)
Diane Wilkins Productions/Faust Films. Written by Jeff Gray. Directed by Diane Wilkins and Terry Galloway. Produced by Terry Galloway, Donna Marie Nudd and Diane Wilkins. Starring Nancy Lang, Stacey Abbott and the voice of Sam Atwood.
DESCRIPTION: Campy, mock horror short exploring the history of that article of clothing often left behind in the workplace.
North Carolina Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, August 10-19, 2012.
Too Much Fun Productions/Faust Films. Animation/Soundtrack by Jeanette Castillo. Written and Narrated by Terry Galloway. Co-produced by Jeanette Castillo, Donna Marie Nudd and Terry Galloway.
DESCRIPTION: On a trip to ‘Crippled Children’s Camp’ Terry Galloway falls for the deep end swimming instructor, nearly drowning as she learns to perform her newly-discovered queer, disabled identity.
Tel Aviv, Israel. (2013)
Milano, Italy. (2013)
Rio de Jandeiro, Brazil. (2013)
Mezipatra International Film Festival, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-8 November 2012; Bron Czech Republic, 16-22 November 2012.
DaDa Fest Film Shorts. FACT, The Box. Liverpool, England, UK. 21 August 2012.
Hamburg International Queer Film Festival. Hamburg, Germany. 16-21 October 2012.
Frameline 36: San Francisco International GLBT Film Festival. San Francisco, CA 17 June 2012.
Michigan Women’s Music Festival, Grand Rapids, MI, 2013
Spokane, GLBT Festival. Spokane, WA. 4 November 2012.
25th Annual Austin Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. 3- 7 October 2012.
10th Annual Southwest Gay and Lesbian Film Festival 2012. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 28 September- 7 October 2012.
Fort Lauderdale Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Fort Lauderdale, FL. 4-7 October 2012.
October Art, Inclusion: Disability, Design, Curation. University of California. Irvine, CA. 19 June 2012
Breckenridge Festival of Film: 32nd Annual. Breckenridge, CO. 7-10 June 2012.
Fusion Film Festival. Los Angeles, CA. 3 March 2012.
Broadcast Educational Association. Las Vegas, NV. 15-22 April 2012.
Outfest Film Festival. Los Angeles, CA. 12-22 July 2012
National Communication Association. New Orleans, LA. 20 November 2011.
Outrageous Film Festival (20), Santa Barbara, CA. 20-23 October 2011.
8th Annual Cinema Touch Disability Film Festival, Alamo Draft House, Austin, TX. 22-23 October 2011.
6th Annual North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Raleigh-Durham, NC. 3 showings, August 11, 12 & 13th, 2011.
Sociologists for Women in Society, Tallahassee, FL. 9, November 2011.
Selections from Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade DVD.(2012)
Description: Presentation of “I Know Why the Caged Rats Sing,” “Annie Dearest: The Real Miracle Worker,” “The Scary Lewis Yellathon.” And other video shorts from Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade
Liverpool, England (2012)
Diane Wilkins Productions/Faust Films. Directed by Diane Wilkins and Jeanette Castillo. Assistant Direction by Jessica Tice. Produced by Donna Marie Nudd. Executive Producer, Diane Wilkins. Written by Joshua Potter. Adaptation by Jeanette Castillo. Camera/Editing by Diane Wilkins. Special Effects by Jeanette Castillo. Production Assistants–Russ Castillo and Nancy Lang. Starring Ben Gunter, John Herd and Erin Schmidt.
DESCRIPTION: Key words get lost in translation as a right-wing congressman makes a phone-sex call using the deaf relay service.
Extra and Ordinary People. Namur, Belguim. December 2013.
Melbourne Queer Film Festival. Melbourne, Australia. 15-25 March 2012.
Long Island Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Long Island, NY. 13 November 2011.
National Communication Association. New Orleans, LA. 20 November 2011.
Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Sacramento, CA. 13-15 October 2011.
San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Victoria Theatre. San Francisco, CA. 21 June 2011.
Picture This. . Film Festival. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 18 February 2011.
15th annual North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. 2 Showings. 12-15 August 2010.
Potter, Joshua, presenter. Graduate Spotlight Performance Hour. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Carbondale, Illinois. 11 September 2010.
Queer as Faust III Cabaret, 18-19 and 25-26 June 2010.
Written and Directed by Jeanette Castillo. Starring members of the Mickee Faust Club.
DESCRIPTION: The bitter, bastard brother of a world-famous Mouse seeks his revenge when members of the weird community take over the airwaves, if only for a moment!
Abilities First Festival, Toronto, Canada, 2012.
5th International SURGE (Social Uprising Resistance and Grassroots Encourage) Film Festival. Portland, Oregon, 12 March 2011.
“GATHERING STORM” (2009) (x:00)
Written by Susan Gage. Co-directed by Diane Wilkins and Jeanette Castillo. Diane Wilkins Productions/Mickee Faust Films. Produced by Jeanette Castillo. Starring members of the Mickee Faust Club.
DESCRIPTION: A madcap parody of the anti-gay marriage ad released by the National Organization for Marriage.
14th annual North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. 2 Showings. 15-16 August 2009.
“SPECIAL FORCES” (2009) (x:00)
Written by Sam Atwood. Produced by Too Fun Productions and Mickee Faust Films. Directed by Jeanette Castillo and Sam Atwood. Editing and Special Effects by Jeanette Castillo.
DESCRIPTION: Breaking Television New: Dept of Homeland Security combines with Dept. of Rehabilitative Services!
Galloway, Terry and Donna Marie Nudd, presenters. Disability Studies Program. University of Toledo. Toledo, Ohio. 19 November 2009.
Galloway, Terry and Donna Marie Nudd, presenters. Department of Disability and Human Development. University of Illinois. Class in Disability and Film. Chicago. 16 November 2009.
Haunted Faust, 2009
“DISABILITY FACTOR” (2008) (14:00)
Written by Derek Barton. Co-directed by Donna Marie Nudd and Diane Wilkins. Produced by Diane Wilkins Productions/Mickee Faust Films, Kathy Lynch and Danielle Holbrook. Associate Producers: Diane Wilkins, Donna Marie Nudd and Carrie Sandahl. Production Assistant: Danielle Holbrooke. Camera/Editor/Special Effects: Diane Wilkins. Starring Jimmers Micallef, Mickey Dutey, Terry Galloway, Dona Milinkovich, Sam Atwood, and Lori Violette.
DESCRIPTION: An exciting reality game show in which the disabled-competing for the Grand Prize of the right to die-are pitted against each other in a series of Catch 22 challenges. Hosted by dashing Tourette’s “survivor” Top Mostly, and senile co-host Vanna Grey.
A Faust We Can Believe In. Mickee Faust Club. Railroad Square. Tallahassee, FL. 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 October 2008.
“Disability Factor” is included in the compilation DVD Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade. (For additional showings, see Film: DVD.)
Written by Terry Galloway, Rand Metcalf and Jeanette Castillo. Co-directed by Donna Marie Nudd and Diane Wilkins. Diane Wilkins Productions/Mickee Faust Films. Co-produced by Donna Marie Nudd, Jeanette Castillo and Diane Wilkins. Edited by Jeanette Castillo. Starring Faustkateers with and without disabilities and Pickles, the amazing wonder dog.
DESCRIPTION: Opening and closing video shorts on Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade which establish the diverse membership of the Mickee Faust company.
Galloway, Terry and Donna Marie Nudd, presenters. Disability Studies Program. University of Toledo. Toledo, Ohio. 19 November 2009.
Galloway, Terry and Donna Marie Nudd, presenters. Department of Disability and Human Development. University of Illinois. Class in Disability and Film. Chicago. 16 November 2009.
“I Know Why the Caged Rats Sing” and “I Know Why the Caged Rats Sang” are included in the compilation DVD Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade. (For additional showings, see Film: DVD.)
“RATS & ROACHES” (2008) (1:00)
Conceived by Sam Atwood. Directed by Diane Wilkins. Diane Wilkins Productions/Mickee Faust Films. Co-produced by Sam Atwood and Diane Wilkins. Camera/Editing by Diane Wilkins. Starring Faustkateers with and without Disabilities.
DESCRIPTION: Faustkateers share pipe dreams after a performance.
“The Gimp Parade.” Victory Gardens Biograph Theatre, Chicago. IL 21 March 2010
Written by Derek Barton. Co-directed by Donna Marie Nudd and Diane Wilkins. Diane Wilkins Productions/Mickee Faust Films. Produced by Danielle Holbrook. Assistant Producers–Donna Marie Nudd and Diane Wilkins. Camera/Editor/Special Effects–Diane Wilkins. Make Up by Kathy Lynch. Powerpoint by Derek Barton. Photography by Beatrice Queral. Starring Derek Barton, Isabelle Potts and Cora, the hamster.
DESCRIPTION: Professor Saul Ringer takes on the tricky topic of ethics and euthanasia. In an easy-to-follow lesson, the Professor shows us the proper way for deciding when and if our loved ones need to be ushered out of existence.
“Behind the Scenes: A Glimpse Into the Making of Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade.” Dept. of Communication, Florida State University, 24 October 2008.
“The Pleasure and Perils of Parody.” Society for Disability Studies. Philadelphia, PN. 3 June 2010.
“Co-P.” Annie May Swift Studio Theatre. Northwestern University. Evanston, IL. 22 January 2010.
“Professor Ringer” is included in the compilation DVD Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade. (For additional showings, see Film: DVD.)
Written by Sam Atwood, Carrie Sandahl, Terry Galloway. With Additional Dialogue by Dona Milinkovich. Directed by Diane Wilkins, Terry Galloway and Donna Marie Nudd. Produced by Donna Marie Nudd, Diane Wilkins Productions and Mickee Faust Films. Editing and Special Effects by Diane Wilkins. Stills by Beatrice Queral and Donna Betts. Starring Sam Atwood, Terry Galloway, Deneyce Roberts, Carrie Sandahl Donna Marie Nudd and Lori Violette.
DESCRIPTION: Parody of Corporate Training Film: “Working together, you and your special needs employees can turn and emergency into a tragedy in three easy steps.”
“Breaking Down Barriers.” Fourth International Disability Film Festival Moscow. 14-17 November 2008. (Also presented in a minimum of 20 regions of Russia and 7 NIS countries: Armenia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Byelorussia. http://festival-eng.perspektiva-inva.ru/index.php?25 Accessed 18 August 2008.)
“Shorts.” Disability from Reel to Reel. VSA Texas. Austin, TX. 25 September 2010.
“Rehearsing Possibilities, Performing Change: People with Disabilities Using
the Performing Arts to Communicate with Policy Makers.” LEND, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago. March 2010.
“AAA: Academics, Advocacy, and the Arts.” DHD 595, Interdisciplinary Seminar
in Disability Studies. Univ. of Illinois, Chicago. Aug. 2009.
“Rehearsing Possibilities, Performing Change: People with Disabilities Using
the Performing Arts to Communicate with Policy Makers.” Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Nov.
“The Gimp Parade.” Victory Gardens Biograph Theatre, Chicago. IL 21 March 2010
“Celebrating Our Creativity and Culture: The Ninth Annual Retreat for Disability Activists & Allies.” The Leaven Center near Lyons, Michigan. 12 September, 2009
Dept. of Communication Fall 2008 Graduate Research Colloquium Series, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. 24 October 2008.
“Crip Humor in the Florida Actual Lives Project.” Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Denver, Colorado. Aug. 1, 2008. (Carrie Sandahl Presenter)
“Disability Shorts. Society for Disability Studies. New York, NY. June 19, 2008.
“Art, Advocacy, and Academics: Rehearsing Possibilities and Performing Change” Dept. of Disability and Human Development. Univ. of Illinois-Chicago. 22 April 2008.
“Involving Artists, Performers, Volunteers, and Staff with Disabilities”. Workshop Led by Representatives of AXIS Dance Company and Mickee Faust Club. Council on Culture and Arts. 19 February 2008.
“Changing Perceptions of Disability Through Art,” National Communication Association Convention. Chicago Illinois. 17 November 2007.
Rat Droppings: A Tribute to Ingmar Bergman, Tammy Faye Bakker and The Weekly World News. Mickee Faust Clubhouse, Tallahassee, FL. 14-16 September 2007.
“Disaster(abilities)” is included in the compilation DVD Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade. (For additional showings, see Film: DVD.)
Written by Donna Marie Nudd. Produced and Directed by Donna Marie Nudd and Diane Wilkins. Associate Producers/Directors: Kathy Lynch and Dona Milinkovich. Camera/Editor/Special Effects: Diane Wilkins. DVD Covers/Art Director: Donna Betts Production of Mickee Faust Films and DWP.
DESCRIPTION: Take off of late night tv ads for Girls Gone Wild. In Mickee Faust’s version, hot women of a certain age are moved to bare all.
“May Shorts Shortcase,” Reeling 28: Chicago Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival, Chicago, IL. 5-14 November 2009.
The Nigah Queer Festival: Celebrating Sexualities. Delhi, India. 24-25 October 2009.
Reel Affirmations 19: The Nation’s LGBT Film Festival. Washington DC. 17 October 2009.
“Best of 2008 Festival Shorts” Pittsburgh Pride Week Event. June 2009.
19th Annual Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film and Video Festival, May 14-24, May 2009.
Queertopia! 2.0: An Academic Festival. Northwestern University’s Queer Pride Graduate Student Association. Chicago, IL. 1 May 2009.
“Old and New: Mickee Faust’s Comic Video Shorts.” In Program Entitled “Subversive, Aggressive, Delightful, and Entertaining: Feminist Humor’s Unconventional Approach to Activist Politics.” National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 23 November 2008.
Reeling 2008: The 27th Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival, Landmark Theatre. 10 November, 2008
“Lesbian Shorts.” Outrageous 2008: Santa Barbara LGBTQ Film Festival, 8 November 2008.
13th Annual Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. October 17-26, 2008.
Pittsburgh International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. 17-26 October 2008.
Southwest Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM, 26 September- 2 Oct 2, 2008.
Frameline: San Francisco’s International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. San Francisco, 19 -29, June 2008.
12th North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. In “Lights! Camera! Action! Babes! Women’s Artists-in-Attendance Shorts;” Fletcher Hall, Durham, NC: 25 August 2007.
“Dyke Delights.” Film Queen Review. Review by Lincoln Madison. June 2009. http://queerfilm.blogspot.com/2008_06_01_archive.html Accessed 14 January 2010.
“Funny Girls.” Review by Sean Bugg. Metro Weekly. 17 October 2009. Accessed 14 January 2010.
“BOOT SCOOTIN’ BEAUTY” (2007) (4:20)
Music: Jeff Henry. Lyrics: Susan Gage. Directed by Diane Wilkins and Dona Milinkovich. Choreography: Mickey Dutey and Sandra Halvorson. Starring: Jake Brown, Jimmers Micallef and Eclectic Acoustic. Boot Scootin’ Beauty make-up by Margeaux. Starring: Jake Brown and and Jimmers Micallef. Production of Mickee Faust Films and DWP.
DESCRIPTION: A country-western music video tells the story of a lovestruck cowboy who meets the girl of his dreams. . . or so he thinks.
Queertopia! 2.0: An Academic Festival. Northwestern University’s Queer Pride Graduate Student Association. Chicago, IL. 1 May 2009.
Reel Affirmations: Washington’s International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Washington DC, 17 October 2007.
12th Annual Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Seattle, WA: 17 October 2007
Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival, In “Expanamusicals!” Program. Regal Arbor Theater. Austin, Texas. 1 October 2007
Fire Island Film and Video Festival. Midnight Munchies Program. New York City. 13 September 2007.
12th North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. In “Lights! Camera! Action! Babes! Women’s Artists-in-Attendance Shorts;” Fletcher Hall, Durham, NC: 25 August 2007.
See “Awards.”
“WEIMAR HOUSE” (2007) (11:20)
Written by Susan Gage. Directed by Diane Wilkins, Dona Milinkovich, and Susan Gage. Editing and Special Effects by Diane Wilkins. Music by Diane Wilkins and Susan Gage. Produced by Susan Gage, Dona Milinkovich, Isabelle Potts, Diane Wilkins Productions and Mickee Faust Films. Starring Sandra Halvorson, Ed Tiley, Donna Betts, Sharon Moskowitz, Jef Cantor, Barbara Roberts, Diana Kampert, Susan Gage.
DESCRIPTION: Love conquers all…or does it…in this comedic horror short commenting on the question of gay marriage.
Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Pittsburgh, PA October, 2010.
27th Chicago Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. 14 November, 2008.
13th Annual North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Durham, NC. 14-17 August 2008.
First Friday. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Tallahassee, FL. 7 December 2007
JUST THE FUNNY BITS, 2006) (13:00)
Written and Performed by Terry Galloway. Directed by Donna Marie Nudd and Diane Wilkins. Produced by DWP/Fifth Business/Faust Films. DWP is Diane Wilkins Productions.
DESCRIPTION: Not quite blind as a bat, but definitely deaf as a doornail, Terry Galloway is the modern medical accident featured in these three comic routines from Out All Night and Lost My Shoes. (Out All Night, toured nationally and internationally with PS 122 Field Trips and been presented in New York City, London, and Edinburgh and a hundred other cities across the US and Canada.)
“Just the Funny Bits.” In Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies 2:3 (2006). (13:00) http://liminalities.net Refereed.
“CREMMATE MUFFY” (2006) (2:30)
Written by Phil Arcuri, Derek Barton and Susan Gage. Directed by Diane Wilkins. Produced by Diane Wilkins and Faust Films. Starring Susan Gage and Dona Milinkovich.
DESCRIPTION: A lesbian couple who love cats discover a revolutionary new coffee product.
22nd Annual Pittsburgh International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. In” Women’s Shorts” Program. Pittsburgh, PA: 23 October 2007.
Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, 2-12 October 2007.
Inside Out: 17th Annual Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival. 17-27 May 2007
2007 Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, 27 April – May 6, 2007.
“CreMate Muffy: MIX XIV, 14h Festival Mix Brasil: De Cinema Video Da Diversdade Sexual. Sao Paulo, 9-19 November 2006: Rio De Janeiro, 21 November -3 December 2006; Brasilia, 30 November -10 December 2006; Niteroi, 24-30 November 2006.
“CremMate: Muffy.” Kort Amerikanna (American shorts). Rose Filmdagen Amsterdam , Filmhuis 15 December 2006; Cinema de Balie 18 December 2006.
“Girls Night Out” Program. Reel Pride Michigan. 16 October 2006.
Shorts Program. 11th Annual North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. 12 August 2006.
NewFest: The 18th New York Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Film Festival, In She’s So Outrageous Program. NYC: 2 July 2006 and 3 July 2006.
“She’s So Outrageous” Program. NewFest – NY Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. AMC Loews 34th Street Theatre: 2 and 3 June 2006.
“Dyke Delights” Program. San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival. Castro Theatre: 18 June 2006.
“THE SCARY LEWIS YELL-A-THON.” (2004) (13:00)
Written by Terry Galloway and Carrie Sandahl. Based on an idea from an Actual Lives, Austin, Texas theatre production, 2003. Directed by Donna Marie Nudd and Diane Wilkins. Starring Terry Galloway, Carrie Sandahl, Lori Violette and Sandy Halvorson. DWP/Faust Films. (2004)
DESCRIPTION: “The Scary Lewis Yell-a-thon” is a darkly comic look at televised charity telethons that raise funds to “help” people with disabilities.
Nudd, Donna Marie. “Galloway’s Gallows Humor,” Grazier Lecture, Communication’s Day. Univ. of South Florida. Tampa, FL. 19 April 2004.
Portland Disability Art Festival. Portland, Oregon: 19 May 2007.
“Chicago Deaf and Disability Film Festival,” an anchor event of the “Bodies of Work: The Chicago Festival of Disability Arts and Culture.” Claudia Cassidy Theatre. Chicago: 26-30 April 2006.
The Disability Rights Movement; Representations in Popular Culture .” University of Alaska Campus. Anchorage, Alaska. 15 March 2006.
“Opening Night Screenings.” Brooklyn International Disability Film Festival. Long Island University. Brooklyn, NY. 22 July 2005.
“Leave the Kids At Home: Films for an Adult Audience,” Picture This! Film Festival, Rozsa Centre, University of Calgary. Alberta, Canada 17 February 2005.
“Shorts Programme Seven.” 6th Disability Film Festival. The National Film Theatre. London, England. 1-5 December 2004.
“Getting Funny Looks” Program. The Other Film Festival: Melbourne’s International Disability Film Festival. Melbourne, Australia. 5 December 2004.
“Laughing With Us: Comedy and Disability” Festival. Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. 15-17, October 2004.
“Shorts.” Disability from Reel to Reel. VSA Texas. Austin, TX. 25 September 2010.
“The Gimp Parade.” Victory Gardens Biograph Theatre, Chicago. IL 21 March 2010
“Looking at You Looking at Me: Manipulating the Ablist, Sexist and Homophobic Dynamics of Staring in Disability Comedy” Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Denver, Colorado. 1 August 2008. (Carrie Sandahl Presenter.)
Short Film Festival featuring “Scary Lewis Yell-a-thon” and films by Jym Davis, Tyler Kinney and Others.” Culture Club. Bowling Green State University. 5 February 2008.
“Bodies in Commotion: Including Disability in Multicultural Curriculum.” Bucknell College. 2006.
Don’t Just Stay Home: Cinema Sensibilities on Disability. Film Festival at the University of Oregon Knight Law Center and the Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA); University of Oregon, Eugene. 21 April 2005.
“Exploring our Community: History, Culture, Community & Pride, Metropolitan Center for Independent Living,” Spruce Tree Building, Minneapolis, MN, 25th February 2005.
“Theatre as Social Justice Education: Representations of Race, Class and Disability Identity.” Smith College. 2005.
Nudd, Donna Marie and Terry Galloway (presenters). “Should We Be Laughing at This: Guilty Reactions to New Disability Humor.” Plenary Session.
Southern Communication Association Convention. Baton Rouge, LA. 2 April 2005.
Sandahl, Carrie (presenter). Davidson College. Davidson, NC. 3 December 2004.
Sandahl, Carrie, Terry Galloway and Donna Marie Nudd (presenters). “Act I: ‘The Ethics of Accommodation’: Disability and Artistic Collaboration.” Disability Studies Program. University of Illinois. Chicago, IL. 11 November 2004.
Sandahl, Carrie (presenter). “Talk: Bodies in Commotion: Disability and Contemporary Performance”. University of California, Santa Barbara Interdisciplinary Humanities Center. Santa Barbara, CA. Oct. 12, 2004
Sandahl, Carrie, Terry Galloway and Donna Marie Nudd (presenters) “The Gimp Parade: Radical Disability Identity and Performance.” National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, 2004.
Sandahl, Carrie (presenter). “Dissent and Dialogue: Re-Envisioning Academic and Activist Landscapes.” Plenary Arts Event. Society for Disability Studies 17th Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO. 5 June, 2004.
“Scary Lewis Yell-a-thon” is included in the compilation DVD Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade. (For additional showings, see Film: DVD.)
See “Awards.”
Excerpted in DVD entitled Disability Takes on the Arts by David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder. Brace Yourselves Productions. 2004.
No Limits Weekly Community Television Program. (Airs to Melbourne, Adelaide, and Perth, Australia; Post March 2005 Pay TV, Aurora, Australia.)
Written by Terry Galloway and Donna Marie Nudd. Directed by Terry Galloway and Diane Wilkins. Starring Donna Marie Nudd, Jessica Altomaro and Terry Galloway. DWP/Faust Films. (2001). Re-edited and additional scenes shot, Spring 2002.
DESCRIPTION: Comedy short, black and white parody of classic film, The Miracle Worker, which originally starred Anne Bancroft as Anne Sullivan and Patty Duke as Helen Keller. Parody followed by a mock apologia by Terry Galloway.
Mickee Faust Superstar. Mickee Faust Club. Railroad Square. 6-7 and 13-14 April 2001.
Florence Arts Centre, Egremont, England. 9 and 16 October 2016.
Art Inclusion: Disability, Design, Curation. University of Calfornnia. Irvine, CA. 19 June 2012.
“Chicago Deaf and Disability Film Festival,” an anchor event of the “Bodies of Work: The Chicago Festival of Disability Arts and Culture.” Claudia Cassidy Theatre. Chicago: 26-30 April 2006.
“Opening Night Screenings.” Brooklyn International Disability Film Festival. Long Island University. Brooklyn, NY. 22-24 July 2005.
Real Pride XI. Imax Theatre. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 24 November 2004.
“Breaking Down Barriers: II Disability Film Festival. Saluyt Movie
Theatre (Blue Hall). Moscow. 13 November 2004.
Reel Life. Disability Film Festival. Detroit, MI. 23 October 2004.
“Laughing With Us: Comedy and Disability” Festival. Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY. 15-17, October 2004.
“Queer Looks” Program. 12th International Women’s Film Festival Feminale. Cologne, Germany. 8 October 2004.
“First Crush” Program. Berlin Lesbian Film Festival. Berlin, Germany. 8 October 2004.
“Tales of Lust & Camp” Program. 15th Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Tampa, FL. 8 October 2004.
Annual Pikes Peak Lavender Film Festival. Colorado Springs, CO. 19 September 2004.
“Lipschtick” Program. 28th San Francisco International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. San Francisco, CA. 20 June 2004.
Abilities Festival: Projections Film Festival. University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada. 3-6 June 2004.
Console-ing Passions: International Conference on Feminism, Television, Video, New Media and Audio. Tulane University. New Orleans, LA. 30 May- 2 June, 2004.
“Celebrating Disability Culture” Program. 14th Annual Herland Film and Video Festival.Calgary, Alberta, Calgary, Canada. 4 May 2004.
“Visual Sounds,” and “Challenging Films for Adults Only” Programs. Picture This! Film Festival. Rozsa Centre. University of Calgary. Alberta, Calgary, Canada. 10 February 2004 and 11 February 2004.
“Retour D’Image,” Paris Disability Film Festival. Paris, France. 5 December 2003.
“Twisted and Bent” Program. Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Seattle, WA. 18 October 2003.
“Fairy God Monsters” Program. North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC. 9 August 2003.
“Wicked Humor” 9th Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Philadelphia, PN. 20 July 2003.
Superfest XXIII, International Media Festival on Disabilities. Pena Cultural Center. Berkeley, CA. 8 June 2003.
“Lifting the Lid” Program. 5th Disability Film Festival. The National Film Theatre. London, England. 9 June 2003.
“Shorts” Program and “Mommie Dearest Roast” Program. 2nd Annual Summer Fruit Festival. Austin, TX. 23-29 June 2002.
“Shorts.” Disability from Reel to Reel. VSA Texas. Austin, TX. 25 September 2010.
“The Gimp Parade.” Victory Gardens Biograph Theatre, Chicago. IL 21 March 2010
Culture! Disability! Talent! Superfest Classics. Gaia Arts Center. Berkley, CA. 6 June 2009.
“Disability Audiovisual Festival: A Minute in Someone Else’s Life.” Teleton Foundation, Santiago, Chile. 18-20 October 2006.
Don’t Just Stay Home: Cinema Sensibilities on Disability. Film Festival at the University of Oregon Knight Law Center and the Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA); University of Oregon, Eugene. 21 April 2005.
“Exploring our Community: History, Culture, Community & Pride, Metropolitan Center for Independent Living,” Spruce Tree Building, Minneapolis, MN, 25th February 2005.
Nudd, Donna Marie and Terry Galloway (presenters). “Should We Be Laughing At This?: Guilty Reactions to the New Disability Humor.” Plenary Session. Southern Communication Association Convention. Baton Rouge, LA. 2 April 2005.
Sandahl, Carrie, Terry Galloway, and Donna Marie Nudd (presenters). “Act I: The Ethics of Accommodation: Disability and Artistic Collaboration,”. Disability Studies Program, University of Illinois. Chicago, IL. 11 November 2004.
Nudd, Donna Marie (guest lecturer).”Galloway’s Disability Humor.” Grazier Lecture. Communication Department, University of South Florida. Tampa, FL. 16 April 2004.
Galloway, Terry (presenter). Gay Shame Conference. Univ. of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 28 March 2003.
Sandahl, Carrie and Terry Galloway (presenters). SDS (Society for Disability Studies). San Francisco, CA. 7 June 2002
Galloway, Terry (presenter). “All Girl Action.” QD (Queer Disability). San Francisco State University. San Francisco, CA. 2 June 2002.
“The Mickee Faust Club Cabaret: Fourteen Years in the Bible Belt Without Buckling Under.” National Communication Association. Atlanta, GA. 3 November 2001.
“Annie Dearest” is included in the compilation DVD Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade. (For additional showings, see Film: DVD)
Faust Video Night. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Tallahassee, FL 2-3 August 2002.
Mickee Faust Cabaret. Black Box Theatre, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. 1 February 2003.
Ansell, Kate. “The Fifth Disability Film Festival:5-8 June.” Rev. of The Fifth Disability Film Festival London, England. 5-8 June 2004.
Ouch: BBC.co.UK, 25 January 2005. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/ouch/features/filmfest.shtml)
Duncan, Barbara. “Recent Award Winning Disability Films from around the World.” Disability World. No21. 21 November-December 2003. (http://www.disabilityworld.org/11-12_03/arts/films.shtml)
“ON BECOMING A WOMAN” (1999) (8:20)
Written by Dona Milinkovich, Donna Marie Nudd and Terry Galloway. Directed by Diane Wilkins and Dona Milinkovich. Starring Kat Harkness and Sharon Moskowitz. DWP/Faust Films. (1999) Re-edited with additional scenes shot, fall 2001.
DESCRIPTION: “On Becoming a Woman” satirizes views on lesbianism held by many health experts in the 1950’s.
20th Century Faust. Mickee Faust Club. Railroad Square. ll-13, 18-20 November l999.
Vinokin’s 25th Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, Turku and Helsinki, Finland, 2016.
National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 23 November 2008. (See full citation in “Presentation.”)
“Stories About Life and Death” Program. Berlin Lesbian Film Festival. Berlin, Germany. 5-10 October 2004.
“Queer Shorts Film Night.” Ohio’s Out in Akron Film Festival. Akron, OH. 10 October 2003.
“That’s Life” Shorts Program, Pink Apple Festival. Zurich, Switzerland. 18 May 2003. In Fraunenfeld, Switzerland, 24 May 2003.
“Lesbian Fashion” Program. Image Film and Video. Atlanta, GA. 15 April 2003.
Immaginaria, International Lesbian Film Festival. Bolona, Italy. 2 March 2003.
“The 10 Rules with Girls’ Short” Program, Out Far! Phoenix International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Phoenix, AZ. 14 February 2003
“Twinkle in the Eyes” Program. 11th Turku Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Turku, Finland. 16 November 2002.
“More Lady Lovin'” Program. Long Island Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. NYC, NY. 15 November 2002.
“As Seen on TV” Program. Out Takes: Dallas Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. Dallas, TX. 9 November 2002.
“Lesbiennes au Naturel” and “Nos corps, nos esprits.” 14th Annual Lesbian Film Festival Programs. Paris, France. 31 October 2002 and 1 November 2002.
“Her Shorts” Program. 17th Annual Pittsburgh International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Philadelphia, PA. 19 October 2002.
“Fun in Girls Shorts” Program. Tampa International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. Tampa, FL. 12 October 2002.
Delaware Pride Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. Wilmington, DE. 5 October 2002.
“I Love a Wo/Man in Uniform” Program. Image+Nation Festival, Montreal, Canada. 21 September 2002.
7th North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Durham, NC. 8-11 August 2002.
“Nobody’s Wife” Program. 8th Annual Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Philadelphia, PA. 20 July 2002.
Preview to American Mullett. 8th Annual Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Philadelphia, PN.19-20 July 2002.
“Shorts” Program. 2nd Annual Summer Fruit Festival. Austin, TX. 23 June 2002.
“Tili Figlie Tili Madri” Program. The 16th Milano-Bologna Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival. Milano, Italy. 30 May, 2002
“Starlets and Sirens” Program. The 16th London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. London, England. 14 April, 2002.
“It’s Dyklarious” Program. The 25th Annual San Francisco Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. San Francisco, CA. 17 June 2001.
Faust Video Night. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Tallahassee, FL 2-3 August 2002.
“JAKE RATCHETT” (1999) (17:30)
Written by Terry Galloway and Ernest Sharpe. Directed by Diane Wilkins and Terry Galloway. Asst. Direction by Dona Miliknovich and Donna Marie Nudd. Starring Terry Galloway and Valerie Anthony. DWP/Faust Films. (1999). Re-edited 2002.
DESCRIPTION: “Jake Ratchett” is a parody of l940s hard-boiled detective serials and pulp fiction dime novels, featuring the shadowy world of film noir, fast talk, and some not-so-femme fatales.
20th Century Faust, Mickee Faust Club, Railroad Square, ll-13, 18-20 November l999.
“I Want My Gay TV” Program, Long Island Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Long Island, NY. 15 November 2003.
“Playmates and Private Dykes.” North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Durham, NC. 9 August 2003.
“Cool Ladies.” 9th Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Philadelphia, PA. 15 July 2003.
“Looney Lezzies.” 27th Annual San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, San Francisco, CA. 29 June, 2003.
Faust Video Night. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Tallahassee, FL 2-3 August 2002.
“TEMPTED” (1999) (7:20)
Adapted by Terry Galloway, Donna Marie Nudd and Gena Wade from a short story, “Girls in Their Summer Dresses” by Irwin Shaw. Directed by Diane Wilkins. Starring Terry Galloway and Gena Wade. (1999). Re-edited 2003.
DESCRIPTION: “Tempted” follows a lazy Sunday morning breakfast between lovers that soon reveals a study of each woman’s view of their relationship.
Faust Video Night. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Railroad Square. Tallahassee, Florida. 2-3 August 2002.
“Battered Boundaries” Program. 9th Annual North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Durham, NC. 15 August 2004.
Written by Susan Gage. Starring Terry Galloway and Donna Marie Nudd. Selective Mickee Faust Club members in minor roles. Directed by Diane Wilkins and Dona Milinkovich. Virginia Wolves Productions. (l994, re-edited 2005)
DESCRIPTION: A video parody of the film, Claire of the Moon.
Gay Pride Film Night. Leon County Public Library.(l995)
10th Annual North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Durham, NC. 11-14 August 2005.
Faust Video Night. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Railroad Square. Tallahassee, Florida. 2-3 August 2002.
DESCRIPTION: Mickee Faust’s Comedy Hour occurs whenever there is a fifth Wednesday in a month. The shows air locally on 89.7 FM and can also be found on the Internet: http://www.wvfs.fsu.edu Each show is produced by Susan Gage and Diane Kampert. All shows are performed by the Mickee Faust Club. In 2004, Mickee Faust’s radio show, “Operation Free Cheese” won a bronze medal from the New York Festivals and was published in Liminalities. Listen to “Operation Free Cheese”.
“The Faust MAGA Radio Show,” 29 January 2020. (Original Broadcast 2018).
“Mickee Faust’s War of the Worlds,” October 30, 2019 (Originally broadcast 2007).
“Mickee Faust’s Burning Rat Festival”, July 31, 2019.
“Radio Free Faust,” May 29, 2019 (Original broadcast 2005)
“Mickee Faust’s R.I.P Sharon,” January 30, 2019
“Mickee Faust’s War of the Worlds,” October 31, 2018 (Originally broadcast 2007)
“Summer Reading Program,” August 29, 2018 (Original broadcast 2003)
“The Faust MAGA Radio Show,” May 30, 2018. (Repeated 29 January 2020).
“When the Rat’s Away … ” January 31, 2018 (Original broadcast 2016).
“From Russia with love, Mickee! The 30th Anniversary Show,” November 29, 2017
“When the Rat’s Away … ” August 30, 2017 (Original broadcast 2016).
“Mickee Faust’s First 130 Days,” 31 May 2017.
“Faust vs. Sock Puppet”, 29 March 2017 (Original broadcast in 2004, 2017 rebroadcast was dedicated in memory of Joho Busch)
“Mickee Faust on Holiday High,” 30 November 2016.
“When the Rat’s Away”, 29 June 2016.
“The 800th Presidential Debate”, 30 March 2016.
“Cheesy New Year 2015”, 30 December 2015.
TBA — 30 December 2014, 30 September 2015, 29 July, 2015.
“Wheels of Cheese” by Rodentia Preharmonium, 30 April 2014.
“Mickee Faust’s Sewer Gate,” 29 January 29, 2014.
“The Best of Musical Faust” 29 August 2012.
“Where’s Mickee” 30 May 2012.
“The Best of Faust, The Worst of Faust,” 29 February 2012
“Mickee Faust and the Confundus Confection,” 30 November 2011. (Repeated 30 January 2013)
“Radio Free Faust in Redux,” 31 August 2011.
“Mickee Faust’s ‘It Gets Better,’” 29 June 2011. (Repeated 31 July 2013)
“Mickee Faust’s National Privatized Radio,” 5 January 2011.
“Queers of Comedy”, 30 June 2010. (Repeated 29 May 2013).
“It’s a Wonderful Life” 31 December 2008 (Repeated 31 December 2009)
“War of the Worlds” 31 October 2007. (Repeated 30 September 2009, Repeated 31 October 2012; Repeated 30 October 2013)
“An Inconvenient Faust” 29 August 2007.
“Mickee Goes Medical,” 29 November 2006.
“Mickee Impossible: The Summer Blockbuster Radio Show” 30 August 2006. (Repeated 30 May 2007 & 30 March 2011)
“A Midsummer Night’s Faust” 29 March 2006. (Repeated 31 March 2010)
“Nationalized Privatized Radio,” 30 November 2005. (Updated and Repeated 5 January 2011)
“Radio Free Faust,” 29 June 2005. (Repeated 31 May 2006 & 29 September 2010)
“Mickee Faust’s Riff Raff Klub Kabaret,” 30 March 2005.
“Faust vs. Sock: 2004 Election in Faustlandia”, 29 September 2004.
“Mickee Faust’s Who’s in Charge?” 30 June 2004.
“Mickee Faust’s Rite of Spring,” 31 March 2004. (Repeated 31 January 2007)
“The Mickee Faust Cheesy New Year’s Eve Holiday Special, 31 December 2003. (Repeated 29 December 2004).
“The Mickee Faust Club’s Summer Reading Program,” 30 July 2003 (Repeated 29 July 2009 & 31 August 2005)
“Operation Free Cheese,” 30 April 2003
“Back from the Bayou.” 29 January 2003.
“Faust Vs. Evil: The Final Showdown” 30 October 2002.
“Faust: The Accidental Candidate.” 31 July 2002.
“Faust’s Little Red Wagon Tour.” 29 May 2002.
“Faust for Gov.” The Fifth of Comedy. 30 January 2002.
“Halloween Faust.” 31 October 2001. (Repeated 29 October 2003)
“Welcome Back, Faust.” 29 August 2001.
“Faust on Air.” 30 May 2001. (Repeated 29 April 2009)
2004 Bronze World Medal. Best Regularly Scheduled Comedy Program (2004) (For full citation see “Awards.”)
Like the Austin, Texas program of the same name, also created by Terry Galloway, Actual Lives Florida offers people with Disabilities free workshops in writing and performance. Actual Lives participants have presented a theatre production locally and at public forums in Tallahassee and Panama City featuring their original skits and performances. In addition, many of the Actual Lives participants have co-written and performed in Mickee Faust cabarets as well as Faust-produced, disability-themed, award-winning video comic shorts (See VIDEO and AWARDS.)
In the Spring of 2007, with the assistance of both a local and state grant, Faust conducted a series of “Writing for the Stage” workshops featuring the autobiographically-based writing and performances from Adults with Disabilities in Leon and Wakulla Counties. The theme was “being left behind in times of crisis.”
Actual Lives’ Evacuation Procedures . Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Tallahassee, Florida. 4 May 2007.
Menzel, Margie. “Disability Disaster.” Capital Report. WFSU Radio. July 6 th and 9 th, 2007. Story about Actual Lives public forum/storytelling workshop on disaster preparedness.
Evacuation Procedures . (2007) Thirty minute documentary of Actual Lives participants’ stories of being left behind in times of crisis. Written and Told by Actual Lives Participants. Directed by Terry Galloway. Videography by Josh Boyd and Jeff Gray. Edited by Josh Boyd.
Dis(aster)abilities: Special Needs for Special Times.
(See full citation under VIDEO.)
Month long “Writing for the Stage” workshops resulting in a performance called A Happy Life If You Can Stand It , featuring the autobiographically-based writing and performances from members of the following under-represented groups: Senior Citizens, Adults with Disabilities and African American college students. Terry Galloway served as workshop leader.
A Happy Life If You Can Stand It. Java Heads, Tallahassee, FL, 22 Feb.2004.
PUNK’N CHUCK’N (1995-2019)
The first Sunday after Halloween in a parking lot in Railroad Square, contestants, adults and children, literally toss their rotted jack-o-lanterns in a quest for prizes. Short video documents 2007 Punk’n Chuck’n
FROM BAD TO VERSE (1996-2019)
At the Mickee Faust Clubhouse, members of the community perform good literature poorly or bad literature well; prizes are awarded for the best/worst performances. From Bad to Verse, Bring Your Purse. 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2002, 2000, 1999, 1997, 1996.
On the First Friday of the month, it has become a tradition that all of the art emporiums in the city of Tallahassee stay open late and offer free admission. The main beneficiary of this monthly event has been the many art studios and galleries in the area of town affectionately called, ” Railroad Square”. With over twenty art studios in a single area, people are free to park their cars and simply walk around the square visiting galleries large and small. As part of the city’s First Friday experience, the Mickee Faust company offers interactive experiences…with a typically Faustian bent. Each First Friday of the month finds the doors to our Clubhouse open with something unusual happening: Faustian Art Shows, Video Premieres, Musical Jam Sessions, Evenings of Bad Jokes.
QUEERIOKE (2014 – 2019)
A gay themed sing-a-long, typically presented on First Fridays at Railroad Square as part of Mickee Faust’s Queer as Faust Festival in celebration in Tallahassee’s LGBTQ+ Pride Month. 2019, 2018, 2017, 2014.
First Friday crowds invited to sing along with company parodies of well-known Christmas songs.
The 2017 Inaugural Bawl was a community event that interspersed Mickee Faust musical performances and skits with addresses from figures such as attorney Chuck Hobbs, environmental activists Susan Cerulean and Dr. Andy Opel, poetry professor Virgil Suarez, transgender activist, Dr. Petra Doan and political commentator, Diane K. Roberts. The evening included additional performances by Tallahassee Hispanic Theater, Theatre with a Mission, and spoken word groups Black on Black Rhyme and Cap 6.
3rd Quadrennial Inaugural Ba(w)ll was a celebratory, community event in response to the 2009 Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Inaugural Ball 2001 and 2005 were community events in response to the 2001 and 2005 Inauguration of George W. Bush. All three evenings featured a number of community performances and interactive events, such as ballroom dance lessons, a reading from our Poet Laureate, and satirical performances by Mickee Faust Club.
The Inaugural Bawl, January 20, 2017, The Warehouse, Tallahassee, FL
3rd Quadrennial Inaugural Ba(w)ll. The Warehouse, Tallahassee, FL. 17 January 2009.
The Inaugural Bawl, Too. The Warehouse. Tallahassee, Florida. 21 Jan. 2005.
The Inaugural Bawl. Holiday Inn. Tallahassee, Florida. 20 January 2001.
Love, Monifa. “Small Change-Yet Not Despairing.” Performed at the Counter-Inaugural Protest in Tallahassee, The Inaugural Bawl, on January 20, 2001. The Progressive. 1 March 2001.
Free and Open to the Public. Led by John Fort. Mickee Faust Club. Fall 2007 to the present.
SHAKESPARODY (2004, 2002, 2001)
(See Shakespeare & ShakesParody Listing.)
SUMMER FILM FESTIVAL (Summer 2006, Summer 2004, Summer 2003)
In collaboration with Tallahassee Film Society, Mickee Faust presents a series of outdoor films, such as a sing-along to My Fair Lady.
Members of a satirical cabaret company stage two performative protest events surrounding the Andrew Jackson/Springtime Tallahassee Controversy
Will the Real Andrew Jackson Please Stand Up: A Party, Parade, and Performance Event. Lake Ella. Tallahassee, Florida. 13 February l999.
“World Leaders Through the Ages” Float. Springtime Tallahassee Grand Parade. Tallahassee, Florida. 27 March l999.
Truth Be Told Workshops. October 11-13, 2019.
Writing and Performance Workshops focused on the themes of Trauma, Grief, and Healing, culminating in a Staged Reading.
Afternoon workshop at Mickee Faust Clubhouse. October 11, 2019.
Afternoon workshop at Serenity Coffee Bar. October 12, 2019.
Staged Reading at Mickee Faust Clubhouse. October 13, 2019.
Film Shoot for “Genius of Nefarious Requiem for Individuality” . April 28, 2019.
Approximately twenty Mickee Faust Club company members appeared as extras in Goth Barbie’s music video, “Genius of Nefarious Requiem for Individuality,” which was shot at a local cemetery. Music video, is currently posted on her website, on YouTube and being submitted to national music video festival competitions.
Leadership Tallahassee. (April 4, 2019)
Artistic Director of Mickee Faust, Terry Galloway, gave a presentation on our company and led the Leadership Tallahassee Class on a tour of our facilities.
Shakespeare Workshop #3: Stage Battle . August 25, 2018.
Christie De Rodriguez, doctoral student in FSU’s School of Theatre, led a workshop for the Macbeth cast on battle movement.
Shakespeare Workshop #2: Macbeth: Voice and Speech. August 5, 2018.
Arden Kelly, trained at Julliard, led a workshop focusing on performing Shakespearean language.
Shakespeare Workshop #1: Shakespeare at Play: Creating Environment And Character through Physicality and Vocal Choices. July 12-14, 2018.
Dr. Leah Lowe, chair of Theatre Arts Department, Vanderbilt University, conducted free workshops for the community on performing and staging Shakespeare
Drag Queen Bingo. June 16, 2018.
Pulse Wake (and Benefit) . June 9, 2018.
All donations given to OnePULSE Foundation to support the construction and operation of the official memorial and museum, community grants and educational programs and scholarships.
Dedication of Marc Masonbrink Memorial Stage. December 9, 2017.
With a grant from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, Mickee Faust was able to level our backyard and refurbish our stage to make our backyard more hospitable to people in wheel chairs. With the generous support from local philanthropist Janet Hinkle (through the Community Foundation of North Florida), Mickee Faust added a beautiful secure fence (separating Faust from the City’s linear park and playground which now abuts our backyard.) This celebration christened the Marc Masonbrink stage and thanked our donors who made it happen.
L. Lamar Wilson: Sacriligion: The Gospel Truth (June 2-3, 2017)
Staged Reading
32 Odd Enhancements by Nancy. 5-6 June 2015.
Miniature Curiosa: An Excruciatingly Ordinary Toy Theatre Show, 24-25 April 2015.
Shakespeare’s Death Scenes. Southern Shakespeare Festival, Cascades Park, 18 April 2015.
Come Out Through Art: Coming out stories shared by members of the LGBTQ+. Mickee Faust Club. 11 April 2015.
Queer Wedding Reception: Amy and Marcy. 7 February 2015
Memorials for Queer and Disability Artists and Activists: Maryanne Ward, Disability Activist and Faustkateer (2006); Peggy Gage, PLFAG Activist (2014); Kristie Jtwou, LGBT Family Friend (2014)
Behind Closed Doors: The Dark Legacy of the Johns Committee. 28-minute documentary followed by Panel Discussion. 14 June 2014)
Queerioke, Mickee Faust Clubhouse. June 6, 2014.
CD Release: Rodentia Preharmonium’s Wheel of Cheese, May 17, 2014; Reprise, June 6, 2014.
Act Symposium: ACT interdisciplinary Symposium. 28 February 2014.
Inauguration of the Hinkle Tinkle. Mickee Faust Academy. 29 October 2010.
Eclectic Acoustic’s 11th Anniversary Bash. 9 October 2010;
10th Anniversary Bash. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. 21 November 2009.
Testimony: Trial and Error of Proposition 8. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. 20 June 2010.
Zombie Walk and Roll. Street Theatre. Downtown Tallahassee. 29 October 2009.
“The Performance of Drowning.” Reading of recently published memoir, Mean Little deaf Queer, by Terry Galloway. Borders on Apalachee Parkway with celebration immediately following. 28 June 2009.
First Cut of MFDP (Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party). Compiled, Edited and Directed by Joe Davenport. FSU Master’s Thesis Film. Co-Producer FSU Dept. of Communication. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. 2 May 2009.
Benefit for The Center: LGTBQ Center of Bay County (2019). Co-Producer (with Equality Florida). Raised $20,000 for The Center. Combination of grants and direct fundraising to restore The Center post-Hurricane Michael. Held at Mickee Faust Clubhouse. February 22. 2019.
Performance of “License to Quill,” Benefit Performance for PACE Center for Girls, Tallahassee, FL, 27 September x 2013.
Showing of For the Bible Tells Me So. Benefit for Fairness for All Families. Shown during Queer as Faust Festival I. 28 June 2008.
Additional Performance of Full Frontal Faust. Benefit performance post Hurricane Katrina. $1278 Donated to Habitat for Humanity. 9 October 2005.
Lysistrata. International Anti-War Lysistrata Project. Benefit for Madre. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Railroad Square. 8 March 2003.
Mickee Faust Club’s Benefit Performance for Jerry Stern Fundraiser. The Warehouse. Tallahassee, FL. 27th September 1996.
Mickee Faust Club’s Benefit Performance for Writer’s Harvest. Nationwide Benefit to Fight Hunger and Poverty, with Sheila Ortiz Taylor and Bailey White. The Warehouse. Tallahassee, FL. 4 November 1997.Benefit Performance for “The Woman’s Clinic.” Grand Finale. Tallahassee, FL, 8 July 1992.
Benefit Performance for Pride Performance Night. Unity Church. Tallahassee, FL. 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991.
“12 Days of Pledge Drive.” 88.9 FM. October 1991. (Song recorded for WFSU Public Radio Pledge Drive and aired a number of times. Singer.).
Two Peeks, Benefit for Tallahassee AIDS Support Services, The Warehouse, Tallahassee, FL, Spring 1991.
Interviews + -
ATHE Mickee Interview. Association for Theatre in Higher Education lnterview. (2018)
Dr. Joan Lipkins interviews Donna Marie Nudd and Terry Galloway for 28 minutes about the Mickee Faust Club, in celebration of the company winning the ”Leadership in Community-Based Theatre and Civic Engagement Award.”
Website: https:/ /www.athe.org/page/Past Awardees#communitybased
Also available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v????8xE4jEpG3Lk&feature=youtu.be
Essays + -
“Tough” (2009) (16:32) In Gay Shame, edited by David Halperin and Valerie Traub, University of Chicago Press.
Terry Galloway rifts on deafness, drag and the politics of rebellion in this experimental video. The video is part of a DVD collection accompanying the book, Gay Shame.
Galloway, Terry, Donna Nudd, and Carrie Sandahl. “Actual Lives and the Ethic of Accommodation.” Community Performance: A Reader. Ed. Petra Kuppers. New York: Routledge. (Feb. 2007): 227-234.
After detailing their “Ethic of Accommodation,” the co-authors explain the ways that theatrical structures, processes, and performances have been changed in their theatre companies to maximize participation for disabled performers and/or disabled audience members.
Nudd, Donna Marie. “The Left Rewriting America’s Best Historical Fiction Finalist: The January 20, 2001 ‘Inaugural B-A-W-L’ in Tallahassee, Florida.” Text and Performance Quarterly , 24:1 (2004): 74-88.
This essay looks at Tallahassee’s Anti-Inaugural ball as a case study. The essay situates the “Inaugural B-A-W-L” in its historical context and details the characteristics that made it a successful counter-celebration.
Schriver, Kristina and Donna Marie Nudd. “Mickee Faust Club’s Performative Protest Events.” Text and Performance Quarterly. 22.3 (2002): 196-216.
Members of the Mickee Faust Club contextualize and theorize two performative protest events surrounding the Andrew Jackson/Springtime Tallahassee Controversy.
Nudd, Donna Marie, Kristina Schriver and Terry Galloway. “Is This Theatre Queer: Mickee Faust and the Performance of Community.” Performing Community, Performing Democracy: International Perspectives on Urban Community-based Performance. Eds. Susan C. Haedicke and Tobin Nellhaus. University of Michigan Press, 2001. 104-116.
Co-founders and a member of the Mickee Faust Club situate the company theoretically as a “queer” theatre by examining the company’s theatrical practice of not regarding any identity category as single, fixed or unyielding.
Presentations + -
Nudd, D.M., & Galloway, T. (2016) Celebrating Disability through Performance. Patti Pace Performance Festival at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA. Lectures, Workshops, Performance and Criticism.
Nudd, D. M., Micallef, J. & Ellis, A. Queer Diversity in the Mickee Faust Club. Workshop for 15th Annual Service Leadership Seminar, Florida State University.
Nudd, D. M. (Co- Author) & Galloway, T (Co- Author) (2014, November) DaDaFest Symposium: Redressing the Imbalance. In R. Gould (Chair), International Congress: Disability Culture and Human Rights. The Bluecoat, Liverpool, England. (International)
Nudd, D. M. (Co- Author), & Galloway, T. (Co-Author) (2014, November) Cheers: The Pleasure of Faustian Pursuits. Paper presented at 2014 Annual Meeting, American Studies Association, San Francisco, CA.
Nudd, D. M. & Galloway, T. (2013, February) Mickee Faust’s Community Activism. Spring Awakening(s) Symposium–Art as Action: Performance and Critical Thinking. Research on Performance in Context, Working Group, Florida State University.
Nudd, D. M. & Sandahl, C. (2009, November). Keeping it Real: Balancing Critique with Comedy in Disability Parody. Paper presented at National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Castillo, J. (2009, November). Storytelling and the Post Production Process. Paper presented at National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Fryett, Sarah E. (2009, April) The Parodic Potential: An Examination of the Mickee Faust Cub. Joint Conference of the National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations. New Orleans, LA.
Premiere of Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade. (2008, November). National Communication Association. (See Video: DVD Compilation).
Selective Members of the Mickee Faust Club. (2008, October) Behind the Scenes: A Glimpse into the Making of Mickee Faust’s Gimp Parade. Graduate Research Colloquium Series. Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL.
Nudd, D. M. & Galloway T. (2008, November). Old and New: Mickee Faust’s Comic Video Shorts. Paper/Videos presented at National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. Version:1.0
Mickee Faust Club (2008 November) “Before and After: Envisioning a Multi-Use Arts Space Designed for and by People with Disabilities.” Mickee Faust Academy for the Really Dramatic Arts.
The Mickee Faust Club (2008, April). Hosted a disability-themed presentation for 38 members of Leadership Tallahassee an influential, city-wide group sponsored by the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce.
Galloway, T. (2008, May) “Disability Access and the Arts.” Division Head meeting of the Florida Secretary of State. Tallahassee, FL.
The Mickee Faust Club (2008, February.) “Involving Artists, Performers, Volunteers, and Staff with Disabilities.” Guest Panelists Members of the Axis Dance Company and Members of the Mickee Faust Club. COCA. Tallahassee, FL.
Nudd, Donna Marie, Derek Barton and Terry Galloway, “Mickee Faust Club’s Comic Video Shorts: ‘ Disability Factor’ and ‘Evacuation Procedures’”. In Panel “Changing Perceptions of Disability Through Art.” National Communication Association Convention. Chicago, IL. 17 November 2007.
Sandahl, C. (2007, October). Disability Art Overview: Disability as a Source of Creativity. Disability Studies I.
Sandahl, C. (2007, October) Disability In/As Poetry: Transforming the Rejected Body. Disability and Culture.
Sandahl. C (2007, September). Performing Gender, Sexuality and Disability. Sociologists for Women and Society.
Sandahl, C. (2007, June). The Ethics of Accomodation: Audience and Aesthetics. Society for Disability Studies (SDS). Seattle, WA.
Galloway, Terry. (2007, June) Di(verse)ability: Disability and Diversity in the Arts, Miami Dade College.
Sandahl, C. (2007, May) Disability Culture in the U.S. : Revolutionizing the Arts form the Inside Out. Portland Disability Art and Culture Festival.
Sandahl, C. (2006) Disability Arts and Activism. Ability1st: North Florida’s Center for Independent Living.
Sandahl, C. (2006, April) Screen Disability: The Chicago Festival of Dead and Disability Cinema. Chicago Cultural Center. Chicago, IL.
Sandahl, C. (2006, April). Disability Arts at the Academy. University of Illinois. Chicago, IL.
Sandahl, C. (2006, March). Bodies in Commotion: Including Disability in Multicultural Curriculum. Bucknell College.
Sandahl, C. and Nudd,D. (2004, November) The Ethics of Accommodation and Disability Studies. Dept. of Communication, FSU.
Nudd, D.M., Galloway, T., Gage, S., Opel, A. & McDowell, S. (2003, November) Reaching Out: Community Activism and Action Research in Performance Studies. Performance Presented at Plenary Session, National Communication Association, Miami, FL.
Nudd, D. & Schriver, K. (2002, November). January 20, 2001: Political Performative Activism in Tallahassee, Florida and Austin, Texas. NCA. New Orleans.
Nudd, D. & Selective Members of the Mickee Faust Club. (2001, November). The Mickee Faust Club Cabaret: Fourteen Years in the Bible Belt without Buckling Under. NCA. Atlanta.
Nudd, D. & Galloway, T. (2000, August). Performing Community, Performing Democracy: International Perspectives on Urban Community-based Performance. ATHE, Washington DC.
Nudd, D. M. (2000, April). Progressives on Parade: The Performance of Community Identity in Mickee Faust V. Springtime Tallahassee. School of Theatre. FSU.
Nudd, D. M. & Schriver, K. (1999, November) Performance and Comic Inversion: The Andrew Jackson Bash. NCA. Chicago.
Nudd, D.M. (1999, November). Queering Performance: Positions and Problematics. NCA. Chicago.
Nudd, D.M. (1999, July) “Opening Performance.” Women and Theatre Conference. ATHE. Toronto. 26
Nudd, D. M., Schriver, K., & Galloway, T. (1999 April) Raining on their Parade: Finding Performance Strategies that make the Exclusive, Inclusive! Fifth Performance Studies International Conference, University of Wales. Aberystwyth/UK.
Nudd, D. M. & Schriver, K. (1998, November) Progressives on Parade: The Performance of Community Identity in Mickee Faust V. Springtime Tallahassee. NCA. New York City.
Nudd, D. M. & Wilkins, D. (1998, November) Queer Voices Across Performance Genres. NCA. New York City.
Nudd, D.M., Shriver,K. & Galloway, T. (1998, January) The Mickee Faust Club Cabaret. Film and Literature Conference. FSU. Tallahassee, FL.
Nudd, D. M. (l997, November) The Mickee Faust Club Cabaret. NCA. Chicago.
Graham-Jones, J. (1997, October). “Mickee Faust Club.” Roundtable Discussion. “La mujet frente al hecho creativo” (“Woman and the Creative Act”), Buenos Aires’ First International Festival of Theatre, Dance, and Music.
Nudd, D. M. & Galloway, T. (1997, August) Mickee Faust Club. Women and Theatre Conference. Chicago.
Nudd, D. M. & Schriver, K. (1995, November). “Take Off Your Panties and Bra’: Exposing Failures in the Collaborative Process.” SCA Convention, San Antonio, TX.
Guest Artists/Scholars + -
*For each citation below, Terry Galloway (Artistic Director) and Donna Marie Nudd (Executive Director) conducted workshops, presented video shorts, and/or discussed the work of the Mickee Faust Company.
(2014, February). Arkansas State University, Delta Symposium. Jonesboro, AR.
(2010, March). San Jose State University. San Jose, CA.
(2010, February). Villanova University. Philadelphia, PN.
(2010, February). Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY
(2010, February). Emerson College. Boston, MA.
(2009, November). University of Toledo. Toledo, OH.
(2009, November). University of Illinois. Chicago, IL
(2009, November). Access Living. Chicago, IL.
(2009, November). University of Ohio. Columbus, OH.
(2009, October). University of South Florida. Tampa, FL.
(2009, September). Texas A and M University. College Station, TX.
(2008, September). Columbia College and University of Missouri. Columbia, Missouri.
(2008, February). Involving Artists, Performers, Volunteers, and Staff with Disabilities. COCA, Tallahassee, FL
(2005, October). Lake Superior State University, Marie, MI.
(2005, March). Southwestern University. Georgetown, TX
(2004, November). With Carrie Sandahl. Disability Studies Program, University of Illinois. Chicago, IL
(2004, April). University of South Florida. Tampa, FL
(2003, September) Kutztown College. Kutztown, NY
(2003, April) Ohlone College. Freemont, CA
(2003, February). Southern Illinois University. Carbondale, IL.
(2003, January). With Susan Gage and Selective Members of the Mickee Faust Club. Louisiana State University. Baton Rouge, LA
(2002, March). Department of Theatre. Univ. of Texas. Austin, Texas.
(1998, March). With Selective Members of the Mickee Faust Club. Weaving Connections: A Conference of Women’s Studies/Gender Studies. Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL
(l997, March/April). Univ. of Northern Iowa. Cedar Falls, Iowa.
(1997, March). University of North Dakota. Grand Forks, ND.
(1994, October). Florida Women’s Studies Conference.
E. Patrick Johnson (2013)
Week Artist/Scholar Residence for Performance Studies Professor, Northwestern University. Dr. Johnson interviewed members of the community for his next book, Honey Pot; delivered a lecture on “Countess Vivian” and performed his acclaimed one person-show, Sweet Tea, Black Gay Men of the South on the 23-24 of September 2013.
Laurence Clark (2010)
British comedian and filmmaker performed his one-person show, Spastic Fantastic. 26 September 2010.
Gaylen Ross (2009)
Gaylen Ross Discussing Her Documentary-in-Progress, Caris’ Peace. Mickee Faust Co-Produced with FSU Dept. of Communication and Tallahassee Film Society. Dept of Communication, FSU 3 April 2009; TFS All Saints Cinema, 4 April 2009.
Tim Miller (2009)
Lay of the Land. Written and Performed by Internationally-Acclaimed Tim Miller. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Tallahassee, FL.5-6 June, 2009.
“Our Voices/Ourselves” Performance Workshop with Tim Miller. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. Tallahassee, FL. 7-11 June, 2009 with a final performance by workshop participants on 12 June 2009.
S. Renee Mitchell (2009)
25 October 2009.
Elizabeth Whitney (2008)
A Day without Sunshine. Written and Performed by Elizabeth Whitney. Mickee Faust Clubhouse. 20-21 June 2008.
Week Residency for Artistic Director, Terry Galloway and Executive Director, Donna Marie Nudd, Artists/Scholars-in-Residence, Augusta University, Augusta, GA. (October 3-7, 2019)
Nudd and Galloway co-conducted “Writing and Performance” workshops for students at Augusta University which culminated in a student performance and presented back to back performances of Galloway’s Out All Night and Lost My Shoes and You Are My Sunshine: A Kind of a Love Story with an audience talk back as part of the Augusta Westobou Festival.
Week Residency for Executive Director, Donna Marie Nudd and Artistic Director, Terry Galloway, Artists/Scholars-in-Residence, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA. (January 23-27, 2019).
Nudd and Galloway co-conducted “Writing and Performance” workshops for Kennesaw students which culminated in a student performance, and presented three solo performances of Galloway’s You Are My Sunshine with audience talk backs.
“It’s Queer by the Dozen at Mickee Faust Cabaret,” Tallahassee Democrat, Limelight, 21 June 2019.
Thompson, Amanda Karioth. “Mickee Faust shines a light on the dark side with ‘Murderous Moveable Macbeth,” Tallahassee Democrat. 30 October 2018.
Wonder, Miranda. Theatre Review: “Emotion, hilarity, discomfort reign in ‘Queer as Faust XI. Tallahassee Democrat. Limelight, 29 June 2018.
Coker, Neil. Theatre Review: “Queer as Faust Celebrates a Decade of Deviance.” Tallahassee Democrat. Limelight, 15 June 2017.
Coker, Neil. Theatre Review: “Mickee Faust takes on Trump in irreverent ‘Inaugural Bawl,”‘ Tallahassee Democrat. Limelight, 19 January 2017.